Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Welcome to the Basinger’s Blog! We (ok, probably mostly I) am excited to have a place to record our adventures and keep some kind of record of our lives - that you are welcome to stalk. ;) I can’t guarantee that I will write often, or even consistently, but I will update it occasionally and the posts will be relatively interesting… if you are our mothers.

If you truly are a stalker and don’t know me or Chance then you should probably read up on us a bit so we’re not complete strangers.  You can find excerpts of my past life here and Chance’s here.  Enjoy.

For those of you that do know us, we’re glad to give you a spot to catch up on our newlywed adventures.  If you also have a blog that we should be following so we know what you are up to as well, please invite us. I’m a much better blog reader than I am a blog author.

There we go – first post out of the way.  Hopefully there will be many more to come!
